An inventor is a person who creates or discovers a new method, form, device or other useful means that becomes known as an invention. Here is a list of important founders/inventors in the field of Computer Technology. The below list is so helpful for those who are seeking for entrance exams.
S.No. | Founder/Inventor | Name |
1 | Inventor of Computer BIOS | Gary Kildall |
2 | Inventor of Computer Bug | Dr. Grace Murray Hopper |
3 | Inventors of Computer Chip (IC) | Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce |
4 | Father of Computer Hard Disk | Reynold Johnson |
5 | Inventor of First Data Base | Dr. Edgar Frank Codd |
6 | Inventor of Ethernet Computer Networking | David Boggs, Chuck Thacker and Butler Lampson in Xerox PARC |
7 | Inventor of Computer Scanner | Ray Kurzweil |
8 | Inventor of Computer Speakers | Abinawan Puracchidas |
9 | Founder of Apple Computers | Steve Jobs |
10 | Founder of Artificial Intelligence | John McCarthy |
11 | Founder of Bluetooth | Ericsson |
12 | Father of Computer | Charles Babbage |
13 | Father of ‘C’ Language | Dennis Ritchie |
14 | Father of ‘C++’ language | Bjarne Stroustrup |
15 | Founder of Email | Shiva Ayyadurai |
16 | Founder of Google | Larry Page and Sergey Brin |
17 | Founder of Internet | Vint Deer |
18 | Father of ‘Java’ | James Gosling |
19 | Founder of Keyboard | Christoper Latham Sholes |
20 | Founder of Linux | Linus Torvalds |
21 | Founder of Microsoft | Bill Gates and Paul Allen |
22 | Founder of Mobile Phones | Martin Cooper |
23 | Founder of Mouse | Douglas Engelbart |
24 | Founders of Oracle | Ed Oates, Larry Ellison, Bob Miner |
25 | Founder of Php | Rasmus Lerdorf |
26 | Founder of USB | Ajay V.Bhatt |
27 | Founder of WWW | Tim Berners-Lee |
28 | Founder of Yahoo | Jurry Yang and David Filo |
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