Rare Magnitude-4.7 Earthquake Shakes New Jersey

Earthquake New York

In an unusual occurrence, a magnitude-4.7 earthquake struck the US state of New Jersey, causing buildings in nearby New York City and surrounding areas to tremble. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) confirmed the earthquake, which is considered rare for the East Coast of the United States.

The earthquake’s epicenter was pinpointed 7km north-east of Whitehouse Station, New Jersey. The tremors were felt at around 10:20am local time. As of now, there are no reports of significant damage.

Earthquakes of this magnitude are relatively uncommon on the East Coast of the United States, making this event particularly noteworthy. The USGS and local authorities continue to monitor the situation closely. Residents are advised to stay informed through official channels for any updates or safety instructions.

This event serves as a reminder that while earthquakes may be infrequent in this region, they can occur, and it’s essential for residents to be prepared and informed about earthquake safety.

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