Tragic Incident in Perth – ‘Radicalised’ Teenager Shot Dead by Police

Radicalised Teenager Shot Dead by Police

In a shocking incident, Western Australian police shot and killed a “radicalised” 16-year-old boy who had stabbed a man in a Perth car park. The teenager reportedly “rushed” at the police, who responded by shooting him twice with Tasers before firing a single fatal shot.

The incident occurred late on Saturday when police received an anonymous call warning of impending “acts of violence”. Minutes later, another emergency call alerted police to a “male with a knife running around the car park” in Willetton, a southern suburb of Perth.

Despite officers’ demands that he put down the knife, the teenager refused to comply. The officers fired two Tasers at him, but they did not have the desired effect. The male continued to advance on a third officer, who fired a single shot, fatally wounding the teenager. He later died in hospital.

The victim of the stabbing, a “middle-aged” man, is in a “serious” but stable condition and appears to be doing well.

State Premier Roger Cook reassured the community, stating, “There are indications he had been radicalised online. But I want to reassure the community at this stage it appears he acted solely and alone.”

The boy had been part of a “countering violence extremism programme” for the past couple of years, aimed at individuals expressing ideologies of concern in the community. The programme is not a criminal-based approach but is designed to help individuals who may not be committing any crimes.

This tragic incident comes less than a month after a knife-wielding assailant killed six people in a shopping mall in Sydney. The attacker, 40-year-old Joel Cauchi, who was diagnosed with schizophrenia, was later shot and killed by a police inspector.

In another incident, an Assyrian Christian bishop was brutally stabbed during a live-streamed service in western Sydney. The bishop has since recovered, and a 16-year-old suspect has been charged with committing “a terrorist act”.

These incidents highlight the growing concern over radicalisation and mental health issues, underscoring the need for effective intervention and support programmes.

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