18 Countries: Delhi to London By Bus (70 Days) – Starts from May 2021

The 70-day journey from Delhi to London will take you through 18 countries. India, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France and United Kingdom.

If you are fond of traveling the world, this is the news for you. You will now be able to travel from Delhi to London by road. Gurugram’s private traveler company launched a bus on August 15th 2020 called ‘Bus to London’. With this luxury bus you can easily reach London from Delhi in 70 days by road.

The bus will pass through 18 countries.

The 70-day journey from Delhi to London will take you through 18 countries. India, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France and United Kingdom.

(source: https://bustolondon.in)

The peoples who have already traveled to London by road are: Tushar Agarwal and Sanjay Madan, both are from Delhi, have already traveled to London by road. Not only that, the two had planned the trip in a car in 2017, 2018 and 2019. On the same lines, this time the journey is planned to be completed by bus with 20 people.

The ‘Bus to London’ features:

You will be given every facility in this journey. A special bus is being prepared for the journey. Every facility will be provided to the passengers for this 70 days journey. Accommodation will be available at four or five star hotels. If travelers want to enjoy Indian food in other countries, food will be provided accordingly, regardless of the country.

The bus will have a seating capacity of 20 passengers. All seats will be business class. In addition to the 20 seats, there will be four more. There will be one driver, one assistant driver and one organizer, one person and one guide. Guides will continue to change in this journey of 18 countries.

Visa to 10 countries is required for travel:

For this trip, a person has to get a visa from 10 countries. There should be no inconvenience to the passengers. Therefore, the travel company will arrange the visa in full. You will have to spend Rs 15 Lakh for the journey from Delhi to London.

For more details, you can visit www.bustolondon.in. The journey begins in May 2021.

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