Tragedy Strikes Malaysian Navy – Ten Crew Members Died in Helicopter Collision

helicopter crash malaysia

In a devastating turn of events, the Malaysian Navy has suffered a significant loss with the death of ten crew members following a mid-air collision of two helicopters. The incident occurred during a practice session for an upcoming aerial display at the Lumut naval base.

Details of the Incident

  • Date and Time: The collision took place on Tuesday morning at approximately 9:30 am local time (01:30 GMT).
  • Location: Northern Lumut, where the Royal Malaysian Navy headquarters is located.
  • Aircraft Involved: An Agusta Westland AW139 Maritime Operations Helicopter (HOM) and a Eurocopter Fennec.
  • Crash Sites: The AW139 crashed near the stadium’s raised seating, while the Fennec went down near a swimming pool within the naval complex.

Seven crew were aboard the Agusta, and three were on the Eurocopter. All ten were confirmed dead at the crash scene.

The Royal Malaysian Navy has announced the formation of an investigation board to ascertain the cause of the incident. Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has expressed his condolences, referring to the event as a “heart-wrenching tragedy,” and has confirmed that an investigation will be conducted.

Videos circulating on social media depict several helicopters flying above a stadium, with one helicopter seemingly striking the rear rotor of another, leading to both aircraft plummeting to the ground.

The helicopters were preparing for Navy Day celebrations, scheduled to begin on May 3. Malaysia’s history with aviation incidents includes several helicopter crashes over the past decade, with notable figures among the casualties.

This tragic accident adds to a series of unfortunate aviation incidents in Malaysia, raising concerns about air safety standards. As the nation mourns the loss of its servicemen, the impending investigation seeks to provide answers and prevent future tragedies.

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